Sunday, December 25, 2016

Fact #5: The Kalantiaw Code Was a Later Version of an Oral Law Observed in the Land of Ophir

5. The Kalantiaw Code (be it a hoax or not) was a later version of a much older code observed during the times of Ophir.

Rajah Bendahara Kalantiaw popularly known as Datu Kalantiaw is a mythical Filipino character purported to have ruled the island Panay and gave its first written law known as the Kalantiaw Code on 1433. It is irrelevant at this moment to discuss whether the Code was a hoax or not. But prior to the emergence of such law, during the Ylaya’s time, in the land of Ophir, there was a much older version of oral laws prevailing drawn from the Muian civilization. The alleged Kalantiaw Code is most probably an attempt to codify such oral traditions for penalization and recording purposes.

It has to be emphasized here that those oral laws originally observed were meant only as sets of principles and guidelines for the perpetuation of moral standards and social orders. They have no central government who enforced those rules but governed by a group of elders who set up those principles and guidelines.  Like in the time of Moses in Mt. Sinai, the Ten Commandments were given to his people to follow and for them not to deviate away from the norms, practices, values and traditions the Jewish way in accordance to the will of their God Elohim. Notice that there was no mention of “penalty” in the Ten Commandments but purely instructions.

The codification of such laws, meaning their inscriptions or the act of putting them into writings is a mode or an attempt to interpret them and to systematize their implementations, to put them as set of legal standards with their prescribed penalty or punishment imposed if not observed accordingly. This is true to the Kalantiaw Code where each specific article or provision of the law has its appropriate penalty strictly imposed. The same is true to the Ten Commandments which later on were interpreted and expounded to become the Torah or commonly known as the Law of Moses.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Fact #4: The Filipino Race Descended from the Maharlikans Through the Ylayas

4. The later descendants of the Maharlikan race were those "Ylayas" (Isidro Escare Abeto, 1989) in a land called Ophir, from whom King Solomon obtained ships of gold. During that period the Ylayas have already well established their communities after the cataclysmic event that destroyed the Muian civilization.

The next 10,000 years, during and after the last ice age was a survival period for the Maharlikans in view of the last great upheaval they have undergone through, which was followed thereafter by the decrease of the Earth's temperature freezing most part of the hinterlands forcing them to thrive in the caves. It was during that period when waves of succeeding migrants begun to populate the land of Ophir.

It is interesting to acknowledge here the work of a world renowned American anthropologist in the person of Henry Otley Beyer, founder of the Anthropology Department of the University of the Philippines. Beyer proposed in his Migration Wave Theory that the peopling of the archipelago was a result of migrations in different time periods. The first group Beyer called the “Dawn Man” or cave men type of who, according to his theory, arrived around 250,000 years ago. Beyer was actually referring to the “escaped remnants” of Muian descendants (Maharlikans) who survived the last great upheaval and found refuge in the archipelago. They did not arrive as a result of unintentional wandering in search for food, as Beyer proposed, but rather already been here and aware of its existence as they used to visit the place during the Muian times. This fact supports the Core Population Theory of Felipe Landa Jocano, another known anthropologist of the University of the Philippines who refuted Beyer’s migration theory. Jocano instead did propose that the first people of Southeast Asia (including the Philippines) were products of a long process of evolution and migration. His research indicates that they shared more or less the same culture, beliefs, practices and even similar tools and implements.

The second wave of migrants in Beyer's theory were the so-called “Negritos” who, according to Beyer, came around or between 25,000 to 30,000 years ago. These group fused in their communities and culture with the already established Maharlikan settlements, socialized and intermarried with the Maharlikan people. These migrant people came from the neighboring islands in the south, from Indonesia and Malaysia through land bridges. From that point of origin being in the south, going to north (ilaya meaning "upper part" or "north") to the Maharlikan’s direction of location, the next migrating people (Third Wave A and B, between 6,000 to 500 years ago) did refer to them the ylayas, a term which became prevalent as being referred to the "people of the north".

It has to be noticed here that there was a reversed pattern of migrations, first, from the Maharlikan group going outside, and then from the outside coming to the Maharlikan territory. The explanation was that, these migrating people coming into the land of Maharlika (Ophir) were on the clandestine process of revisiting their true origin as told in their oral traditions. This was true to both the Indonesian's Srivijayan and Majapahit empires, respectively.

The advent and emergence of the Ylayan culture, which was an assimilation of the surviving Maharlikans and foreign migrants (second and third waves) paved way for the revival of the Muian ways through their system of governance, arts, belief, medicine, and in their knowledge of the supernatural. It has to be noted that the people of the Pre-European Philippines were mostly animist (who really did not worship the spirits of nature but rather honored them in a less elaborated rites) have records or books of mystical in nature. These knowledge or abilities traced back from the Muian period.

It should not also be confused that the term ilaya (ylaya) has no connection with the term Malaya, such that of the Malayan Peninsula or Malaysia, which refers to the land far south-west of the then land of Ophir.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Fact #3: The Maharlikans Were Not Fearsome Warriors

3. The Maharlikans were not warriors contrary to prevailing notions because during their times they have no enemies or in conflict with other races, except with nature's law of balance and restoration that destroyed the grandeur of their civilization.

The Maharlikans were peace-loving people contrary to prevailing claims that they were warriors. They knew of the Gods (Elohim) in the heavens (shamayim) who created them. Though they never conceived in the rational sense any form or pattern of a system of belief called religion, their ways of living conformed harmoniously with laws of the Gods and of nature, to the principles and virtue of love, for which, its solemn practice begets mutual respect, loving-kindness, compassion, and the respect for life. Every member of the community had earned the respect as they have conferred the same respect due to others. The connection was so strong that Jainism's teaching of ahimsa or non-injury to anyone has its linking from the Maharlikan's concept of respect for all forms of life. This was slightly modified in Buddha's teaching of the "law of cause and effect" or karma thus popularized the proverb, "Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful".

Moreover, the concept of Maharlikan warrior was a colonial mentality of Srivijayan or Majapahit Empire influence who brought to them those warlike attitudes. The Indonesians were the real warriors of excelled marksmanship thirsty of the enemy's blood. The pure Maharlikans on the other side were neither oppressive nor defensive. Taking arms or engaging one's self in conflict with other people, such as in war or arms struggle, justifying killing, is for them a taboo condemned at all levels. That Maharlikan warrior thinking is contrary to the law of co-existence.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Land of Mu Identified?

Quoting from the previous post, The Last Great Upheaval:

“Then came the last great upheaval. The Earth’s ring of fire consumed most portions of the eastern hemisphere including their great city leaving it hidden miles beneath the ocean floor. Those who survived were dispersed out in all directions. The portals were closed and the Great City of Mu had gone until this days, awaiting for the proper time to resurface for the greatest revival of mankind.”
Although the theory of a submerged continent purportedly called Mu in the Pacific did not gain strong backing and reference from the scientific community, the recent conclusion as a result of a long continuous geological research and study by a group of scientists led to no other theory that indeed somewhere in the Pacific region lies a submerged continent which now called Zealandia by the Geological Society of America. The announcement somehow had shifted the old mythical theory to another yet scientific name that might be referring to the same continent of Mu.

This is not a sudden discovery but a gradual realization; as recently as 10 years ago we would not have had the accumulated data or confidence in interpretation to write this paper. Since it was first proposed by Luyendyk (1995), the use of the name Zealandia for a southwest Pacific continent has had moderate uptake (e.g., Mortimer et al., 2006; Grobys et al., 2008; Segev et al., 2012; Mortimer and Campbell, 2014; Graham, 2015). However, it is still not well known to the broad international science community. A correct accounting of Earth’s continents is important for multiple fields of natural science; the purpose of this paper is to formally put forth the scientific case for the continent of Zealandia (Figs. 1 and 2) and explain why its identification is important.” (Zealandia: Earth’s Hidden Continent)

Mu, the Motherland of Mankind

The religion of very ancient India was that of the Motherland, brought there from Mu by the Naacals, a holy brotherhood. These men were taught religion and the Cosmic Sciences in the Motherland and when proficient were sent to the colonial empires to form colleges and perfect the local priesthoods, who in turn taught the people. (James Churchward, Sacred Symbols of Mu, p. 274).

According to Churchward, Mu was a lost continent in the Pacific Ocean, which was destroyed in a global cataclysm tens of thousands of years ago; Mu was the original home of mankind, and all subsequent civilizations descended from it. The Pacific islands and their inhabitants are supposed to be the last survivors of this primordial motherland. Churchward's Mu was a huge continent, which stretched from Micronesia in the West to Easter Island and Hawaii in the East. Churchward also believed in a literal mid-Atlantic Atlantis. He proposed a global network of huge gas-filled caverns which, if vented, could cause large areas of land to be submerged.

Churchward's Mu theory hasn't achieved even the marginal credibility of Atlantis. For one thing, his science is absurd. The Pacific appears to have been free of large land masses for billions of years. In fact, the Pacific basin may mark the place where the Moon was expelled from the proto-earth. Coral atolls that dot the Pacific have taken millions of undisturbed years of activity to form. And the Pacific was one of the last regions on the planet to be settled by humans; this is proven by linguistic evidence, and the well-documented oral traditions which describe the history of the Polynesian migrations.

It doesn't help matters that Churchward's books are largely absent of apparatus such as footnotes or bibliography, and his basic source material cannot be independently confirmed. In his Mu-monomania, he employs circular and tautological reasoning. Often, he will make a startling assertion, and before supporting it, will move on to some other train of thought. At other times, he writes factually about, say, Egyptian mythology, without any clue for the reader as to why this proves anything about Mu. The reader is simultaneously entertained and irritated by this intellectual shell game.

However, Churchward may have the last laugh yet. There was a large land mass in the Pacific that was submerged during prehistoric times: Sundaland, the continental shelf around Indonesia, which was exposed during the ice ages. It was most certainly the route that humans used to get to Australia, as only a few kilometers of water separated Sundaland from Australia at that time. Although it was submerged slowly as the result of rising sea levels at the end of the ice age, the region has some of the most violent volcanoes on Earth (such as the famous Krakatoa). A documented eruption in that region about 60,000 years ago may have decimated the human race, producing a 'population bottleneck' during which our species was reduced to a few hundred individuals; this has emerged from mitochondrial DNA studies. Some have hypothesized that Sundaland may have been home to an early lost civilization, perhaps the home of the mysterious voyagers who charted the anomalous ice-age maps which the early modern map-makers incorporated in their atlases. While not Mu or Lemuria, of all of the nooks and crannies where a lost civilization might have existed, Sundaland is one of the most plausible; only time will tell.

Source: J. B. Hare

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Fact #2: The Maharlikans Lived During the Prehistoric Times

2. The Maharlikans lived earlier, in the pre-historic times, when the world was much younger, before and after the last great upheaval until after the last ice age.

Yang and Yin
The last great upheaval left most part of the Mu (Motherland) region under the seas. Those who escaped the deluge outside the city found refuge in the higher lands. Some found asylum in the caves. It was followed thereafter by the last ice age around 100,000 years ago.

The Maharlikans were known as men of knowledge and ability, of compassion compared to the Atlanteans who were men (only) of stature, science-oriented, developing and inventing technologies of their desires, and even weapons of mass destruction. The Maharlikans built their communities nature-oriented and spend most of their times in the fields, forests, and mountains protecting nature and doing the greatest arts that baffled our present generation. The Atlanteans on the other hand constructed megalithic structures and invented earth-defying technologies, like the UFO’s (unidentified flying objects) we knew of today.

The Maharlikans represent the feminine aspect or the earth/water element while the Atlanteans represent the masculine aspect or the air/fire element. They were the yin and yang of the human race.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Fact #1: The Maharlikans, A Race of Spiritually Advanced Civilization

This is a series of write-ups to further expound the topic I have posted: Facts About the Maharlikan Race. These are my views resulting from personal assessments and analysis of the information involved contrary to conventional knowledge that have populated the internet and many books.

I am certain that many are still victims of selective information as our conventional history is somehow in one way or another being manipulated by the sphere of influence of conspiracy theorists at work. There is a saying, “Those who control the present, control the past and those who control the past control the future”. This is evident in the Philippine History as demonstrated by those who wrote and have propagated our “common” mainstream history giving credence to its colonizers portrayed as heroes and by those who benefited from it through their seeded information which conditioned and controlled the minds of the people. Examples are our school textbooks fed to the young learners like dosage of pills shot in their minds without questions in a process called grand indoctrination.

First and foremost, history is the summary of our cumulative consciousness. It is not centered to a particular person or ethnic group. It is the collectivity of the entire records of the peoples’ way of life. It portrays in general a nation’s collective consciousness illustrating its peoples’ uniqueness with peculiarity and pride distinct from others.

So, let me begin with those facts.

1. The real Maharlikan people were a race of “spiritually advanced civilization” whose level of celestial consciousness surpasses the level of our spirituality. They were the descendants of the Muian people.

The Maharlikans were the first humans to roam the earth during those days. In the creation story of Genesis, God Elohim (plural for gods) created Adam (male) and Eve (female) and put them in the garden (paradise) he had created, in a land in the east (Mu).

When the City of Mu vanished away from the eyes of the humans as it submerged beneath the ocean floor due to the great upheavals (see Gen. 3:24) those who escaped from the garden (144,000 Maharlikans, see Rev. 14:1-4), salvaged themselves in the neighboring higher lands, in almost all directions surrounding Mu. The Atlanteans (200 + offsprings, see Book of Enoch, Chap. 6) on the other hand, with the used of their flying vehicles (unidentified flying objects?) traversed their ways as far as to the extreme west and occupied a new ground in the so-called “plains of the west”. They begun calling themselves the Atlanteans and their newly found territory into Atlantis. Meanwhile, the Maharlikans traveled through wooden sea vessels (rafts), in groups, called nests. Most of these nests or core groups landed in a group of islands west of Mu. They remained there and started re-populating that new found land they later called Ophir (O-fir, O-fire, or Orts of Fire). Ophir became their new habitation together with few numbers of the giant Atlanteans (titans) who also escaped the upheavals. Ophir was a land characterized by a balanced weather condition (tropical) which fits the Maharlikan’s ways as lovers of nature.

By around 90,000 ago, these groups started differentiating themselves into different distinct subcultures. Some groups began migrating southwards, towards Indonesia, Borneo and the Moluccas. Another groups went northwards, towards Formosa (now Taiwan) then to mainland Asia (China, India, Russia) forming new cultural groupings and developing unique languages. Those who remained in Ophir retained the name Maharlikans.

This highly evolved yet profound civilized Maharlikan people is characterized by their closeness or oneness with nature. They treat the earth and the universe like living creatures which deserve their love, care and nurture. As they established their new communities reflecting their original habitation they also begun re-evaluating their past experiences for the purpose of correcting their once doomed ways of life. Unlike the Atlanteans, they paid less attention to the advancement of their technologies. They are highly spiritually evolved and devoted much of their times nourishing their inner selves, their consciousness and their awareness of the universe in consonance and accordance with the law of nature. They are the exact opposite of the Atlanteans where the grandeur of their cities were featured in their structures and technological advancements such as in their temples, mode of transportation, administration buildings, and even in the ways they stored and preserved their records. The Maharlikans used crystals in storing records of their civilization, a knowledge they have learned from the Lemureans. The Atlanteans used those devices similar to modern day’s computer chips.

The Maharlikans are skilled craftsmen and excelled much in natural science. Instead of inventing new technologies they devoted themselves more in agriculture and in the cultivation of nature. They constructed many sophisticated rice terraces which are evident in the region, perfected the cone of Mayon Volcano, created slopes of earth as playground in Bohol (Chocolate Hills), crafted the Arayat Mountain reflecting their one Muian temple, and shaped the entire archipelago into the likeness of their domesticated animal (camel?). But most of all they restored two mountains in the forms of a man (Adam) and a woman (Eve) built during the Muian times in remembrance of their original habitation in the garden of Mu. They never build temples in elaborated structures for they knew that the gods (Elohim) in the heavens do not thrive in there. They rather paid them their respect through offerings in less elaborated ceremonies.

It is conclusive, so far, as we cannot find ruins of temples or structures built in the land of Ophir because their legacies are enshrined in the peoples’ mind, in their consciousness until these days.

And speaking of giants (titans) who also inhabited the land of Ophir, in the Province of Abra, Northern Luzon, there found a giant human footprint and fingerprints believed to be of the mythical legendary giant Angalo and his wife Aran. In the islands of Dinagat there also found giant human skeletons which belong to the Dinagats, a race of one-eyed giants, the cyclopes. The same kind of giant bones and skulls were also found in many places such as Bohol, Agusan, Bukidnon and Davao. These giants were believed to be the guardians of the golds and other treasures salvaged from the last great upheaval.

Left Footprint of Angalo, Abra 
Fingerprints of Angalo, Abra 
By the way, the original Maharlikans have fairer skins. This complexion however turned into brown or golden-brown (kayumanggi) skin pigments as they adopted themselves to tropical weather. (see Gen. 3:17-19).

Friday, June 24, 2016

In the East, in Eden

In the East of Eden
Where was the Garden of Eden? This question, if put in the hypothetical idiom, would seem to be a never-ending quest since the Bible offers no tangible proofs but mere allegories posing various degrees or point of interpretations as to where the Garden’s true location. Much has been said about the creation story in varying versions handed down from generations to generations, in different languages, people or religions and yet only few have taken efforts to find the exact location of its paradisiacal garden. Was it really in the Mesopotamian region, in a land called Fertile Crescent between the Tigris and Euphrates? Or was it somewhere else already found bearing the salient signs where only the skeptic minds will refuse to acknowledge?

If we take geography as reference to support the pre-delude stories it will be more confusing rather than shedding light to the mystery of the story in itself the fact that the earth was and is in constant change and its features is far different from what it looked like before and after the flood. Besides, the names of the places used in the ancient times were so different from their names we used today. Except of course when it comes to directions that north is always in the north, and south is always in the south. So, where to start first and foremost?

Many, if not most of writers, have missed Eden in their descriptions of the Garden of Eden and only touched on to the garden itself. Their interpretations mislead everyone away from the real picture, as described by Moses in his Torah, thus limiting their views on it. Let us read, in Genesis 2:8-9, it says:

“Now, the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. And The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground - trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food.”
First and foremost, the Garden of Eden was just a portion or a place east of Eden. And second, Eden was the First Earth or referred to its mainland called Pangaea when the whole world wa not divided yet. By the way, gaea in pangaea meaning “all-land” in Greek, and pan or gan edhen in Hebrew means “garden of eden”). Again, let us read, “Now, the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden.” Here, three important words are the clues: garden, east, and Eden. The garden was planted in the east, in Eden. Let us continue, In Genesis 2:10-11:

“A river watering the garden flowed from Eden; there it was separated into four headwaters. The name of the first is Pishon, it winds through the entire land of Havilah, where there is gold.”
Further down to Genesis 1:25, we can read that when God closed the gate of the Garden of Eden he assigned cherubs with the fiery sword to guard the gate, in the east, to prevent Adam and Eve from coming back.

The garden in the story of creation in the land called Eden is no other than the lost paradise, the garden outside the City of Mu created by the Muians for their new creations, the Maharlikans, Adam and Eve, the first humans, male and female. Many believed it was in Mesopotamia as the biblical story mentioned of the four riverheads, Tigris, Euphrates, Pishon and Gihon. Tigris and Euphrates were identified as to this days being in Iraq (Mesopotamia) but Pishon and Gihon were not. No evidences so far have been discovered to conclude that Pishon and Gihon were also in Mesopotamia. It is not also clear how wide the Garden of Eden was and how far its extent. The only evidences we can consult were the remnants of the garden and the book bearing its records.

“A river watering the garden flowed from Eden; there it was separated into four headwaters. The name of the first is Pishon, it winds through the entire land of Havilah, where there is gold. The gold at that land is good; aromatic resin and onyx are also there. The name of the second river is Gihon: it winds through the entire land of Cush. The name of the third river is Tigris; it runs along the east side of Asshur. And the forth river is Euphrates.” (Gen. 2: 10-14).
The land of Havilah is already forgotten in our times but its gold being the treasure of the land must still be there as silent evidence to its extra-ordinary past. But where is Havilah now? Where is its gold?

Coincidentally, the legendary King Solomon’s land of gold, which often claimed as the main source of the famous king's gold as depicted in the biblical story of the construction of the First Temple of King Solomon and in many stories told where he obtained treasures by the ships, was located in the east, the location of present-day Philippines Islands.

Not satisfied yet? How about some physical evidences?

When God vanished away the Garden of Eden from the face of the Earth, He intelligently designed monuments in memory of the first humans He created and put in the garden. These monuments are mountain-forms bearing the features of a man (Adam) and a woman (Eve) perfectly lying down as if they are sleeping, in a place once called the Garden of Eden. These mountain-forms are called by the inhabitants there as the Lalaking Bukid (male mountain) and Babaeng Bukid (female mountain). Both these mountains are located in the Province of Dinagat Islands in the northern part of Mindanao, south-east of the Philippines.

Adam's Monument, Dinagat Province
Eve's Monument, Dinagat Province
And since this article is about the Garden of Eden itself, this said Garden must be a real garden in a way that landscaping and cultivation as its features must be obviously distinct to be called as such. The Banaue Rice Terraces in the Mt. Province is considered to be the one of the world’s largest man-made wonders, a landscape, hence a garden. The soil taken from it was dumped in now the so-called Chocolate Hills in Bohol because the entire Philippine Islands was once the Garden of Eden.

Rice Terraces of Ifugao, Mt. Province 
Chocolate Hills, Bohol
Have you ever wondered what is the hidden meaning of this line "Pearl of the Orient seas, our Eden lost!" in Rizal's Last Farewell?

Friday, June 17, 2016

Philippine History Reassessed (Part 2)

Philippines, the Lemuria Kingdom?

From all indications, this interrogation if entertained declaratively may yet shutter down our disbelief. Let us quote again the writer.

“The story of Pilipinas begins with the mythical Land of Lemuria, known also as MU, the Spiritual Civilization of the First Earth that began well over 100,000 years ago. We are the people of the Second Earth began with the creation of Adam and Eve in the Second Biblical Genesis and ended in the Cataclysmic Destruction by fire and water - volcanic eruptions and great flood - about 10,000 years ago. About this time the Continent of Atlantis which was a colony of the Kingdom of Lemuria also sank in the Atlantic Ocean. Pilipinas is ‘Central Lemuria’.”

If this is held to be true, then the Old Testament and the Philippine History may both stand to be re-written and rectified. The writer, Almeidda, further elucidates:

“The recorded history of Lemuria has been lost to us and where circumstance fails to produce concrete evidence with which to record history and convince the skeptics among men, history becomes a myth, its vision altered by ignorance and replaced by the more accepted academic research. Now let us resurrect the myth and revitalize it to grab the essence of what it tries to tell us.

In its time Lemuria ruled the world under one government. The Lemuria colonizers sailed out to found new colonies and introduced in them the scientific, cultural, and spiritual wealth of the Motherland (the Pilipinas referred to by Rizal) – ‘Motherland’ was the name given to home. The Motherland gave birth to the civilization of Egypt, Babylonia, Chaldea, Phoenicia, the Mayas of Mexico, among others. And these civilizations flourished long after Lemuria sank down in the Pacific Ocean. The great civilization of the Motherland was brought to those places by Lemurians who left home seeking the lands to colonize.

The Lemurians were a highly spiritual people who, according to the Lemurian scholar - James Churchward, had ‘perfect knowledge of life and its origin’. They were the first men on earth entrusted with the first religion of man embodied in the spiritual books called the ‘Sacred Spiritual Writings of Mu. The great master of the Piscean Age, the avatar Jesus during his disappearance of 12 years studied the sacred inspired writings of Mu in a Tibetan monastery, where the books were kept secret and hidden away from the public, before Jesus embarked on his role as the physical vehicle of the spirit of the Son of God, the Christ. Jesus' teachings in symbols and parables recreate for us the spiritual wealth contained in the Sacred Inspired Writings of Mu. It will perhaps startle the modem man's imagination to see the Lemurian civilization surpassed civilizations that came after it, our so-called modern civilization included, in grandeur, beauty, scientific advancement, and spiritual wisdom and know ledge of the heavenly kingdom.”

Samuel Meor Confirms Almeidda

At this juncture, we have to state that Almeidda's findings have found concurrence in the writings of some famous South American authors, one of them, Samuel Aun Meor, a South American exponent of gnostic knowledge from Argentina, who wrote books in Spanish, some of which were translated into English by the author, telling us about the Lemurians and the people of the Continent of Atlantis that those people were gifted with extraordinary knowledge and penetrating visual power. That their sights could penetrate the farthest confines of the limitless spaces overhead and could clearly discern the sacred beings that populated the heavens. They could call down to the earth any of the heavenly beings by the utterances of incantations which they called the Mantrams.

Samuel Aun Meor, states (translated from Spanish by the author): "We have understood that we are asleep. If the man were awake, he could perceive, touch and feel the great realities of the superior worlds. If the people were awake, they could remember their past lives. If the people were awake, they could see the Earth as it is. But actually and unfortunately, the people do not see the Earth as it is. Whereas, the people of Lemuria, saw the Earth as it was. They knew that the world had seven dimensions in all, and they saw the seven fundamentals; and they also saw the world in a multi-dimensional form. In the fire, they saw the creatures of the fire; in the waters, they saw the aquatic creatures - the Undines and the Neroids; in the air, they clearly saw the Sylphs; and in the bosom of the Earth, they saw the Gnomes. When they raised their eyes to the infinite space, they could perceive other planetary bodies. The planets in space were clearly visible to the elders in distinct forms. They could see the auras of the planets and also, they could see the planetary Genies.

During the time of Lemuria, any person could see at least half of the Honstapagnos. When the conscience of man remains fettered within the Ego, the senses degenerate. 

In the Atlantis, the people could only perceive one-third of the tonnage of color. Now, they could scarcely perceive only seven colors of the solar spectrum and only in a few tonnage. The people of Lemuria were different. To them, the mountains had high spiritual life; the rivers, to them were bodies of the goddesses; the whole body of the Earth, were perceptible to them like a big living organism. They were other type of peoples distinct from us.”

Philippine History Reassessed (Part 1)

(Extracts from the book of the same title “Philippine History Reassessed” by Dr. Isidro Escare Abeto published in 1989):

The Archipelago, a Holy Land?

In the passage of time, historical facts undergo various twists and it is not surprising that occasionally we come across tidbits of information from unexpected hitherto unknown sources. The law of truth, in the last analysis, will sway after suffering divergences until the true lights surface out for human eyes to see. So that the mysteries of change may yet come upon the Filipinos to be called the Lemurian descendants.

Startling Revelations

Auggusta de Almeidda, winner of the Cultural Center of the Philippines Literary Award and of Palanca for Literature, in her article published in the Panorama, dated Sept 4, 1986, a supplementary magazine of the Bulletin Today, dished out to us a startling revelation, thus:

"Dr. Jose Rizal referred to Filipinas as Lupang Pangako. Perhaps, only a few caught the implication of what he said, much more its biblical allusion. Lupang Pangako is Promised Land. But there is only one Promised Land that Moses sought in the Exodus which he never found because he died without ever seeing it. Unresolved human events are the substance of history that repeats, and in this case, it is Moses. Was Dr. Rizal saying that PILIPINAS was the Promised Land of the Old Testament and, therefore, the land where the biblical history of the Old Testament happened?

Consider the land of Princess Urduja which is Pangasinan or Pang-asinan, the salt-producing province of the country. Has anyone ever explained that it has produced the numerous faith healers that astounded the western medical community with their psychic healing? The land of Princess Urduja is the land of UR of the Old Testament.

The area of Pagsanjan, Pila, and Banahaw in the contiguous provinces of Laguna and Quezon are the sacred lands of the true Garden of Eden. This is the area of the biblical paradise - the place where the first man and woman (Adam and Eve) of the Second Earth lived and roamed in paradaisical glory, before Eve was tempted by Lucifer and cohabited with Adam to produce Cain. Pila is Bayang Pinagpala."

According to the writer, devastations wrought by the Japanese onslaught during the Second World War, had left this place unscarred while other places nearby suffered immense destructions." Why? Because this is a sacred land - the Garden of Eden.”

And Almeidda, continues:

"The Temple of Solomon, has been found in the Panay Island. The Ark of Noah is in the Ilocos Region awaiting public discovery. The Pyramid of the Pharaohs is in Pampanga seen when Mt. Arayat, at a certain time in mid-afternoon, when the sun is at a fixed point in the sky and from the angle of a Pampango town, casts a shadow thereby forming the shape of a perfect pyramid.

Sarrat is Nazareth of the Old Testament and not of Jesus which is truly in the Middle East. Sinait is Sinai. Samar is Samaria. Cebu is the Land of the Gentiles which is why the Sto. Nino was brought there. The Land of Sodom and Gomorra is in Bicolandia."

(Continue here)

Monday, May 30, 2016

Philippines in Bible Prophecy Part 3


“And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.” (17:11).

Ferdinand Marcos was the sixth, the seventh and the eighth president, respectively, in terms of “tenure of office” as President of the Philippines; that is, from the Third Republic (sixth) through Martial Law (seventh) up to the Fourth Republic (eight). On his last term, he was ousted by a peaceful revolution (and goeth into perdition). 

“And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.” (17:12).

There were ten presidents from Manuel Roxas (First President of the Third Republic) up to Gloria Arroyo (Sixth President of the Fifth Republic). The Malacañang Complex, which is the official residence of the President of the Philippines, was officially reverted to the head of the state upon the establishment of the Commonwealth of the Philippines in 1935. Manuel Quezon was the first president to occupy the said complex. However, it was not until Manuel Roxas’ term when the Philippine governance was finally turned-over to the Filipino people through the Third Republic.  Hence, these ten presidents, who also occupied the Malacañang Palace, are the ten horns mentioned who have ruled the country as kings (presidents), but without their kingdom as yet. 

“These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.” (17:13).

As presidents, these ten horns (heads) shall give their power (authority and leadership) to the beast (the country). 

“These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.” (17:14).

In principle, the ratifiers of the Philippine Constitutions, guided by their individual spiritual outlooks and values sought the need to invoke the aid of the Divine Providence in ordaining and promulgating the Constitution. However, they also sought the need for the inclusion of a provision on the separation of the Church and the State. In reality, what prevailing are the exact opposites of these two principles. What the government is always invoking in almost all its undertakings is the aid of the Church (Roman Catholic to be specific) and established a demarcation line between the State and Divine Providence. Remember that majority of the Filipinos; including those who are incumbents, belong to the Roman Catholic fold. Remember also that the Roman Catholic Church holds the name and number of the Beast (Anti-Christ) which is a blasphemy unto the Holy Name of God Almighty. In this regards, the real essence of invoking the aid of the Divine Providence is substituted by the entity of the Roman Catholic Church. 

“And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.” (17:16).

In reality, this is how the lives of the Filipinos being managed during the reigns of these ten horns (presidents), as seen in the country’s economic status in every administration, where majority of them (perhaps, 80%) belong to the poverty level (desolated and naked). This is the lasting effect of graft and corruption perpetuated by those incumbents, where the taxes (flesh) paid by no other the people themselves, which are supposed to be given to them in return in the forms of government services are gone into the pockets of greedy politicians (eaters of flesh). 

“For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.” (17:17).

Perhaps, this is really the plan of God for the Filipino people; to let them experience (not to suffer) all these, like the Israelites whom He had promised the “Land” yet never in their entire lives have enjoyed the benefit of this promise, so that God, with all the prayers of His people, will have all the reasons to pronounce His verdict to those corrupt politicians (and the corrupt system) and pour upon His people the blessings of His glory and grace.

The former President Ferdinand Marcos once wrote, “Peace is so crucial to everyone; the alternative is total destruction. But the alternative to destruction is not only peace but a ‘golden age’ for mankind.” Hence, in war, there is this so-called “collateral damage” before peace will be finally achieved. 

“And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.” (17:18).

This will be the fulfillment of the prophecy, when Philippines will be known as the "great city" and will prevail over all other countries upon the earth. And this has something to do with the land promised by God to His chosen people.

Philippines in Bible Prophecy Part 2

The Revelation
There are many ways of interpreting the pages of the Bible and it depends on what angle you are trying to prove that interpretations suit just right. It is relative but at least some points will hit the marks.

I am one of those who buy and support the belief that the Philippines has a significant roles concerning spirituality and dominion governance during the last days. I am referring to those fulfillment of some biblical prophecies directed to no other than "in the islands of the sea" mentioned is some passages of the Bible.

For example, as I read the entire Chapter 17 of the Book of Revelation, it describes more about the Philippines:

“And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will show unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters.” (17:1).
The great whore (woman) is the great city (Philippines) that sit upon many waters (comprises of thousands of islands and islets). See also Revelation 17:15.

“With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.” (17:2).
The Philippines was a colony of many countries for centuries. During those eras, the Filipino people were enslaved and endured lots of sufferings in the hands of their colonizers. And even after the proclamation of its autonomy, the Filipinos are yet suffering the gross effects of graft and corruption these colonizers have left as among their legacies. Today, the Philippine political system is one among the most corrupt in the world, where the politicians (kings) and their relatives (inhabitants of the earth) have been made drunk (enjoyed and benefited) with the wine (wealth, power and privileges) of her fornication (taking advantage of their positions without shame).
“And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication.” (17:4).
The woman is the great city (Philippines) itself with reference to the colonial influences of Catholicism into the religious or spiritual aspect of the lives of the Filipino people: the “scarlet” is the color of the Pope who is the central figure of Catholicism; “gold, precious stones and pearls” are those wealth-ness the Catholic Church had amassed and now on its possessions, and; the “golden cup” refers to the authority of the Papacy with the title “Vicar of the Son of God” which is according to some conspiracy theories the equivalent of the Number of the Beast (666 or Anti-Christ), and all the filthiness and sins the Papacy had committed against the Holy Name of the Christ.

“And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.” “And the angel said unto me, wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.” (17:6-7).
This refers to the incomparable devotedness of the Filipinos to the saints and martyrs which are all products of the Roman Catholic Church, and the employ of religious icons in their reverence on to these saints, and the incomprehensible level of faith and belief the Filipinos have attributed to the Catholic teachings. Moreover, there are more in the Filipinos’ lifestyles that are attributed to their religious beliefs and practices.

During the visit of Pope John Paul II to the Philippines in 1986 in celebration of the World Youth Day, Former Vice-President Noli de Castro, who was then an news anchorman and a television newscaster said, while covering the arrival of the Pope and upon personally having a closer look at the face of the Pope, emotionally uttered, “I can’t explain my emotions… I can’t hold my tears… I can feel a deep sense of fulfillment… we [Filipinos] are really experiencing a so-called “spiritual crisis and [we] are expecting for answers from the Pope.” No wonder, there are many religious sects or denominations (false prophets?) born in the Philippines where memberships are rapidly soaring hoping that they can find answers to this “spiritual dilemma”.

“The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: …when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.” (17:8-9).
These verses require an understanding about Philippine history. The Philippines was a Spanish Colony for more than 300 years. During those years, the Philippines has no known identity in whatsoever form (in a bottomless pit) aside from a mere colony under the rulership of the viceroy of the Spanish Crown. But because of the determination of the Filipinos for identity and independence they struggled hard (ascended out from the bottomless pit). The middle-class led the peaceful assimilation while the “plebeians” led the bloody struggle, hence the birth of the Katipunan or KKK (Kataastaasan, Kagalanggalangang Katipunan ng mga anak ng Bayan). The Katipunan was organized and founded by Andres Bonifacio on July 7, 189 in Tondo, Manila. But the strength of Katipunan (represented by the figure of a woman clothes with the three colors of the flag – white, blue and red) came from the seven provinces outside Manila, which were then Batangas, Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna, Nueva Ecija, Pampanga and Tarlac. Hence, the seven mountains (seven heads) were represented by these seven provinces, as the arms, which gave life to the spirit of patriotism leading to the birth of Philippine Republic where Aguinaldo became the First President, yet it was only a short-live (and go into perdition).

“And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.” (17:10).
Manuel Roxas became the First President of the Third Philippine Republic after the United States-sponsored Commonwealth Government. There were six presidents from Manuel Roxas to Ferdinand Marcos. A year before Marcos’ first term ended, he declared Martial Law putting the entire archipelago under the rule of the military law. From the last year of his first term, Marcos did rule the country but the military law he imposed which ended the Third Philippine Republic.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Philippines in Bible Prophecy

It is interesting to know for a Filipino that the Philippine country is one prophetically mentioned in the Bible. The Bible foretold that somewhere in the East will give glory to the Lord in the islands of the sea.

It was not the intention of the Spaniard explorer and circumnavigates the world and landed the Philippine island to bring Christianity in the country. This was only happened just to fulfill what is written in the Bible two thousand years ago or centuries.

Somewhere in the book of Isaiah chapter 24 verse 15 reads “Therefore in the east give glory to the LORD; exalt the name of the LORD, the God of Israel, in the islands of the sea” (NIV).

Many Christians believed that the prophecy of the Bible was fulfilled by the Spaniards when they were arrived the Philippine Island and Christianize in the land, since the Philippines is the only recognized Christian archipelago in the Pacific covering East Asia that qualifies of fulfilling the prophecy in the book of Isaiah 24:15.

That is exactly what is mentioned in the history and research books based on the findings of historian and archeologist that Philippines is the only country in the east with multitude of islands and the only Christian country in East Asia.

But in this article we present the biblical facts on how the Philippines fulfill the prophecy in the book of Isaiah chapter 24.

First, it is a good to get the solid background of Christianity from the bible and how Christianity arrived to this Christian country in the Far East of Asia. As the Bible give its account about Christianity in the book of Acts chapter 11 in the particular verse of 26 where disciples are called Christian first in Antioch.

The Christian disciples in Antioch were the Christian Jews converted during the time when the believers from Jerusalem were scattered abroad upon the persecution that arose about Stephen (verse 19).

Christians are individual person called by God unto Him as a Church built upon the rock by Jesus Christ (Matthew 16:18), and the Church Jesus built was in Jerusalem (Acts 8:1, 11:22). With this preceding information about the Church or Christianity, we can be sure of our faith if our Christian beliefs aligned to the Christian belief from Jerusalem.

Going back to the main subject of this article, how the Philippines fulfill the prophecy about Christianity in the country. As we knew from the Bible that genuine Christian were from Jerusalem (Acts 8:1, 11:22), built upon the rock by the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 16:18) and called Christians after the name Christ. Beginning in Jerusalem, repentance and remission of sins should be preached in the name Jesus Christ, this is where we are called Christian because we put up with that name after Christ (Luke 24:47).

The Cross of Magellan, Cebu
Christians from Jerusalem were witnesses of Jesus Christ both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth (Acts 1:8). The reason why God allows the persecution against the church which was at Jerusalem; and that they were all scattered abroad throughout the regions of Judaea and Samaria (Acts 8:1) is because God wants the gospel to be preached all over the world including the Philippines.

More Biblical References

Did you know that more and more Filipinos are becoming aware of the significant and important roles of the Philippines and its people (of course) nowadays when it comes to biblical prophesies during the last days? I strongly believe that their individual consciousness are becoming atoned to the universal Maharlikan consciousness which was common during their glorious days. I say this because even most of the visitors coming to this blogsite are following a common trend, The Philippines in Bible Prophecy. You may check the Live Traffic Feed on the left side below and you will find out how true it is.

Surprisingly, do you also know that the Philippines, though not literally called by that name but by its geographical descriptions is in many times mentioned in the pages of the Bible, more particularly when it mentions about the “islands afar off” in Isaiah 66:19 and Jeremiah 31:10, or that “isles of the sea” or the “isles from the ends of the earth” in Matthew 12:42. Few words are not enough to convince you but there are lots of evidences and proofs so overwhelming that anyone just need enough time reading those sources and contemplate on them for one to find out the truth in all those claims.

In addition to that, just recently I have found a website in which it features their own findings about the Philippines using geography and history in interpreting the Bible. And they believe this land (country) is more than what it seems as they able to prove that the Philippines was the ancient land of Havilah, the land of Adam and Eve east of Eden rich of gold mentioned in Genesis, the same place where Noah lived and build the ark. It is also the King Solomon’s land of gold, the land called Ophir where many nations and historians were so obsessed to find because of its abundance of gold.

And here is the link to that website I have mentioned which is worthy of recommendations, The God Culture. You may watch their videos in Youtube. I will feature them in my next posts.

And lastly, just for the sake of supplemental readings and as a matter of review to my previous posts, you may also click the continuations of this topic in Part 2 and Part 3, including A Land in the Far East and In the East, In Eden, to have a greater insight on this subject.

Thank you for reading.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

A Land in the Far East

A Land in the Far East
"Philippines" is no biblical name and in no way can be found in the pages of the Bible. Besides, the Old and New Testaments were written down hundreds of years before Fernando Magallanes gave this archipelago a name. 

But this archipelago has been in existence since the ancient times, perhaps in different names or appearance. For example, it is believed by old historians that the place named Ophir in the Old Testament where King Solomon used to fetch gold was the present day Philippine Archipelago. Greek historians like, Pomponius Mela, Marinos of Tyre and the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, have also made reference to an island east of India rich in gold. They called this island Chryse, and is basically the equivalent to the Indian Suvarnadvipa, the “island of gold”. Another Jewish historian named Josephus called this island in Latin Aurea, and equates it with the biblical Ophir. Ptolemy locates the island of Chryse east of the “Golden Peninsula” i.e. Malaya Peninsula. North of Chryse was a land called Thin. Early European called China by the name Thin.

The Chinese were already in an established trade relations with the early settlers of this archipelago thousands of years before this group of islands were known to the west traders. Beginning from the Qin Dynasty, the Chinese were well aware of a “golden land” far to the south. The Buddhist pilgrim I-Tsing mentions Chin-Chou, “Isle of Gold” in the archipelago south of China on his way back from India. Medieval Muslims refer to the islands as the Kingdoms of Zabag and Wakwak as rich in gold, referring to the eastern islands of the Malay Archipelago, the location of present-day Philippines and Eastern Indonesia.

Thanks to the latest found chronicles and accounts of the earlier settlers of the Philippines written by foreign chroniclers of other countries, many correlations were revealed proving that above-mentioned claims. One particular description was that of Antonio Pigafetta, Fernando Magallanes' chronicler, he wrote. “On the island [Butuan] where the king came to the ship, pieces of gold as large as walnuts or eggs are to be found, by sifting the earth. All the dishes of the king are of gold, and his whole house is very well set up.” Pigafetta goes on to describe the huge gold ornaments, gold dagger handles, tooth plating and even gold that was used to decorate the outside of houses! Succeeding waves of Spanish conquistadors were amused of the abundance of gold that when they arrived, the Philippines was so gilded with gold that most of the gold mines had been neglected. According to De Morga: “...the natives proceed more slowly in this, and content themselves with what they already possess in jewels and gold ingots handed down from antiquity and inherited from their ancestors.”

Many psychics, seers and Christian religious advocates are also unanimous in their claim that the Philippines is the New Jerusalem, the land in the far east mentioned in Isaiah 46:11 for some reasons: First, it is the only Christian country in the far east; Second, there are so many spiritual healers and mystics in the country which suggest that the supernatural powers in the world is most likely centered in the Philippines, and; Third, there are many Filipinos claiming to be prophets or the returned messiah. Will this suggests that the present-day “true prophets” or the “Returned Messiah” are most likely Filipinos?