Friday, June 17, 2016

Philippine History Reassessed (Part 1)

(Extracts from the book of the same title “Philippine History Reassessed” by Dr. Isidro Escare Abeto published in 1989):

The Archipelago, a Holy Land?

In the passage of time, historical facts undergo various twists and it is not surprising that occasionally we come across tidbits of information from unexpected hitherto unknown sources. The law of truth, in the last analysis, will sway after suffering divergences until the true lights surface out for human eyes to see. So that the mysteries of change may yet come upon the Filipinos to be called the Lemurian descendants.

Startling Revelations

Auggusta de Almeidda, winner of the Cultural Center of the Philippines Literary Award and of Palanca for Literature, in her article published in the Panorama, dated Sept 4, 1986, a supplementary magazine of the Bulletin Today, dished out to us a startling revelation, thus:

"Dr. Jose Rizal referred to Filipinas as Lupang Pangako. Perhaps, only a few caught the implication of what he said, much more its biblical allusion. Lupang Pangako is Promised Land. But there is only one Promised Land that Moses sought in the Exodus which he never found because he died without ever seeing it. Unresolved human events are the substance of history that repeats, and in this case, it is Moses. Was Dr. Rizal saying that PILIPINAS was the Promised Land of the Old Testament and, therefore, the land where the biblical history of the Old Testament happened?

Consider the land of Princess Urduja which is Pangasinan or Pang-asinan, the salt-producing province of the country. Has anyone ever explained that it has produced the numerous faith healers that astounded the western medical community with their psychic healing? The land of Princess Urduja is the land of UR of the Old Testament.

The area of Pagsanjan, Pila, and Banahaw in the contiguous provinces of Laguna and Quezon are the sacred lands of the true Garden of Eden. This is the area of the biblical paradise - the place where the first man and woman (Adam and Eve) of the Second Earth lived and roamed in paradaisical glory, before Eve was tempted by Lucifer and cohabited with Adam to produce Cain. Pila is Bayang Pinagpala."

According to the writer, devastations wrought by the Japanese onslaught during the Second World War, had left this place unscarred while other places nearby suffered immense destructions." Why? Because this is a sacred land - the Garden of Eden.”

And Almeidda, continues:

"The Temple of Solomon, has been found in the Panay Island. The Ark of Noah is in the Ilocos Region awaiting public discovery. The Pyramid of the Pharaohs is in Pampanga seen when Mt. Arayat, at a certain time in mid-afternoon, when the sun is at a fixed point in the sky and from the angle of a Pampango town, casts a shadow thereby forming the shape of a perfect pyramid.

Sarrat is Nazareth of the Old Testament and not of Jesus which is truly in the Middle East. Sinait is Sinai. Samar is Samaria. Cebu is the Land of the Gentiles which is why the Sto. Nino was brought there. The Land of Sodom and Gomorra is in Bicolandia."

(Continue here)

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